“Mt. Diablo Summit Challenge – The Start of a New Tradition”

A day to remember! From sunrise to sunset, the energy was electric at Mt. Diablo as the Nomadic Adventure Club hosted its public trail run.

At exactly 7:00 AM, our very own Captain-T (Tuvshintugs Sukhbaatar) planted the first course marker flag—an iconic start to what became a day full of teamwork, adventure, and celebration. As runners and volunteers arrived, the Nomadic tent went up, each member diving into their roles with purpose and excitement. At a same time, our Summit Aid Station was being set up by the Chief Tuvshin Bayar and his family.

The sun peeked over the horizon as participants posed for photos, stretched out, and geared up. A short warm-up later, the countdown began...


Just like that, we were off! Twenty-one runners, plus our trail sweeper Enkhbayar Ganbold, hit the course toward the summit.

Meanwhile, at camp, a different kind of magic was brewing. Mongolian tea boiled over fire, and the scent of organic lamb BBQ—cooked the traditional way with hot stones—filled the air. Ladies from the club were busy preparing side dishes with love and care, creating a true taste of home.

Then came the radio call:
“First runner has summited!”
Only 1 hour 17 minutes in—wow! Cheers erupted. Five minutes later, the second runner reached the top, and the third followed close behind.

As the finish line buzzed with anticipation, someone shouted, “RUNNER!”
The leader was flying down the trail, clocking in at 2 hours 12 minutes. Just four minutes behind him came the runner-up. You could see the effort in their eyes—they had raced each other hard all the way back.
The third runner, and first woman to finish, arrived shortly after at 2:31—a fantastic performance!

From there, it became a celebration. Runners returned one after another, sharing stories, sipping tea, and enjoying the BBQ feast. Laughter and good vibes filled the camp.

What made the day truly special was the unity. Everyone—from runners to volunteers to donors—came together to make it happen. We’re incredibly thankful for the support and generosity shown toward our future projects.

As Captain-T and the others returned from the summit and the sun began to set, we knew we had done something special.

This wasn’t just a trail run.
It was the beginning of a new tradition.

One for all, All for one.
Nomadic Adventure Club

Tuvshintugs Sukhbaatar, Zagdaa Baatar, Tuvshin Bayar, Dalai San, Buya Bolchuluun, Batchimeg Nyamosor, Hugo Dash, Huggi Lhagii, Erkhembat Lasran, Sukhchuluun Boldbaatar, Baigalaa Dorj Nomin, Angie Ganbaatar, Enkhbayar Ganbold, Zulaka Mj, Bolor Tumur, Enkhzo Batzorig, Undral Khurelbaatar, Byamba Ulziisaikhan, Paul Munkhtur, Sant-Amar D. Erdene


Photography: Erkhemee




Диабло Хайрхан 22.5К
Оргилд хүрээд буцах сорилтыг танилцуулж байна

Бүртгэл зөвхөн доорхи линкээр үнэ төлбөргүй хийгдэх ба сорилтын өдөр бүртгэл байхгүй гэдгийг анхааруулья


Диабло Үндэсний Паркаас бидэнд олгосон зөвшөөрөл хязгаарлагдмал тул "гүйгчид алхагчдын тоо, бүртгэлийн хугацаа, машин зогсоол" гэх мэт зүйлс дүрмийн дагуу хатуу баримтлагдах болно.

Диабло Үндэсний Парк

Nomadic Adventure Club-ын өлгий нутаг, бидний олон адал явдлын эхлэл, гүйгчид алхагчдын маань амжилтын үндэс болсон үр өгөөжөө үргэлжлүүлэн хайрласаар буй гайхамшигт Диабло Хайрхандаа, анх удаагаа олон нийтэд нээлттэй сорилтыг зохион байгуулж байгаадаа туулиас баяртай байна. Диабло Хайрхан нь Хойд Калифорнийн газарзүйн ноёрхогч онцлог бүхий уул ба оргил дээрээс Bay Area-г бүхэлд нь харах боломжтой цөөхөн газрын нэг.

Оргилд хүрээд буцах 22.5k сорилтын зорилго

Манай Клабын ойрын зорилго нь бусдыгаа Ultra Running/Trail Running-д уриалж түүнээс ирэх эрүүл мэнд, сэтгэлийн хатыг олж авах боловч бидний эхлэл болон хамт олны маань бүрдсэн шалтгаан нь уулын алхалт билээ. Тиймээс ч бид гүйлт алхалтыг хослуулсан аль алийг нь мэдрэх боломжтой гэдэг үндсэн дээр энэхүү замыг сонгон авсан юм.

Эхлэх цэг Mitchell Canyon Road, сорилтын урт нь нийт 22.5 километр, өндөр авалт нь 1 километр. Эхэлсэн цэгээсээ оргил өөд хүрээд, буцаад явсан замаараа эхэлсэн цэгрүүгээ ирэх энгийн боловч уулын алхалт, гүйлт 2-ын хамгийн чухал элементүүдийг агуулсан жим юм.

Хайрханы оргил дээр “NOMADIC AID STATION” ажиллаж гүйгч алхагч нартаа ус ундаагаар үйлчлэх ба буцаад ирэхэд гараан дээр халуун хоол цай та бүхнийг хүлээж байх болноо!

3 сарын 22-ны 9:00ам уулзацгаая

Сайхан сэтгэлт таны хандив бидний олон нийтэд зориулсан үнэ төлбөргүй ажиллуудад зориулагдах болно.

Zagdaa’s Incredible Feat:

107.4 Miles in 24 Hours at New Year’s One Day

To witness Zagdaa’s determination and watch her complete that unforgettable second-to-last lap, check out the video capturing this momentous feat. Her story is a celebration of perseverance and the enduring power of the human will.

Running for 24 Hours: Reflections Before and During the Run

In the first picture, I am captured during the first lap, struggling both physically and mentally with intense pain. By the second picture, I've shifted gears into a state of acceptance, embracing my fate, forgetting the pain, and reminding myself that I chose to run for 24 hours. My only command to myself was to move forward. In the final picture, smiling as much as I can to ease the pain, I'm pushing through, hoping to cover most of the 170 kilometers (106.25 miles) while my energy holds.

Last year, when the year began, I enthusiastically registered for major races and was training consistently. My preparation was so solid that I tested myself in a 12-hour race, running 100 kilometers (62.1 miles) non-stop and even winning. Riding high on confidence, I continued training, but then I found out my left shinbone was fractured. That meant no races, no training, nothing but rest starting in March. Naturally, all my races were canceled, and I sank into despair, wasting the money I had invested in these events. For days, I barely got out of bed. Thankfully, with the support of my loving family and team, I managed to recover mentally.

By mid-year, my injury had healed, and I cautiously resumed training. But soon, I developed pain in my right heel. Again, I had to rest and try every possible remedy. Yet, as the end of the year approached, my heel pain worsened to the point that even walking hurt. With no improvement, I had to cancel all my races again. I read and researched, visited every specialist, and tried every treatment. Still, my heel continued to deteriorate.

Despite everything, I made up my mind to participate in the 24-hour race on New Year’s Eve, the last race of the year. I wasn’t just going to run; I was going to push myself to my absolute limit. My team and I planned for me to run over 170 kilometers, and with my bone spur still in my heel, I stood at the starting line.

From the very first lap, the pain in my heel was excruciating, as if the bone spur was grinding. I thought to myself, "If it hurts this much in the first lap, how will I endure this for over 100 laps?" But then I remembered the people who came to support me—ENKHZO, SANT, ERKHEMEE, and my beloved husband, TUVSHINTUGS (AKA CAPTAIN-T), who all sacrificed their time and energy for me. I told myself, "Just smile." And so, I smiled, and the pain seemed to fade a little.

Listening to my body, I adjusted my stride to ease the pressure on my heel. Blisters formed between my toes, stinging with every step. I asked myself whether to dwell on the pain for 24 hours or redirect my mind and spirit elsewhere. Believing in the power of positive thinking, I filled my mind with joy and humor, laughing at my struggles and continuing to run.

By midnight, I had already covered 122 kilometers (76 miles) and celebrated the New Years with champagne alongside my team. At that point, I decided to switch to fast walking, covering around six kilometers per hour (3.7 miles), aiming to keep going until 9 a.m. With the support of my team, I welcomed the morning and exceeded my goal, completing 172 kilometers (107.3 miles).

This race was incredibly challenging, and I don’t plan to run it again. Running loops on a one-mile asphalt course in the city, devoid of nature, was mentally exhausting for me. This event wasn’t about enjoyment but about testing my limits, and I’m satisfied that I’ve seen where they lie.

For the Nomadic Adventure Club members whom wants to attempt it, I’ll happily provide the same strong support my team gave me.

Regarding my heel, it has improved significantly. The doctor suggested surgery as the only solution since the issue isn’t directly caused by running but by my unique anatomy and genetic traits. However, I don’t trust that surgery would fully resolve it, so I’ve decided to live with it, focus on targeted exercises, and work around the condition.

Through this journey, I’ve learned a lot about coping with pain and listening to my body. I’ve gained a deeper understanding of both my physical and mental health, learning to manage my mindset in challenging situations. Running truly offers countless benefits, and with that, I’ll conclude this note.

Long live running! ——————————————- Zagdaa Baatar



Zagdaa Baatar's Hardest Miles

For most, it was a most wonderful time of the year. For the Nomadic Adventure Club, however, it was a period of relentless preparation and determination as we supported Zagdaa Baatar in her quest to conquer a 24-hour race on New Year’s Day. This was no ordinary challenge; it was the culmination of months of perseverance and grit.

Even though the Nomadic Adventure Club achieved remarkable milestones in 2024, for Zagdaa, it had been a particularly challenging year. She struggled with leg injuries that plagued her early on and persisted throughout the year, forcing her to cancel several major races. These setbacks tested her resilience. Yet, she remained undeterred, training whenever her body allowed, even as heel discomfort slowed her progress.

Zagdaa’s experience in ultrarunning prepared her well. She had already completed a 24-hour run at the Salton Sea 81-miler in 2023 and finished the Rio De Lago 100-miler that same year. Despite her injuries, she knew that her mental toughness would carry her through the New Year’s One Day event. Her ambitious goal: 107 miles in 24 hours.

December 31, 2024, 9:00 AM: Gunshot—The Race Begins

The race kicked off with excitement and energy. The Nomadic Adventure Club showed up in full force, with seven of our women participating in the 6-hour race to support Zagdaa. Additionally, Dalai San took on the 12-hour challenge, and Byamba joined Zagdaa in the 24-hour event.

The first six hours flew by in a blur of camaraderie and effort. The atmosphere was electric as runners cheered each other on, and our dedicated crew worked tirelessly to ensure everyone was fueled and hydrated. By the time the 6-hour race concluded, Zagdaa had already logged an impressive 34 miles.

Into the Night

As the day turned to night, the course became quieter and more introspective. The once-bustling loop transformed into a serene and almost mystical environment. Lights from headlamps bounced around Cottonwood Lake, creating a magical atmosphere. Even amidst the dark, Zagdaa’s steady and determined pace made her presence unmistakable.

As the hours ticked by, fatigue began to set in. By midnight, Zagdaa had reached her 76th mile. Right at the stroke of New Year’s, she completed another lap, giving us the perfect opportunity to celebrate the moment with her. We popped champagne, toasted to her success, and cheered her on as she resumed her journey without missing a beat.

The Final Push

The long, cold night eventually gave way to the first light of dawn. The crew knew exactly how to lift Zagdaa’s spirits: “WE MAKE COFFEE FOR ZAGDAA!”

Fueled by hot coffee and freshly grilled sausages, Zagdaa pushed through the final hours with determination. At 7:20 AM, she reached the 94-mile mark, drawing ever closer to her goal.

As Zagdaa embarked on her final lap to complete 107.3 miles, her family and club members joined her on the course. Together, they walked alongside her, their collective energy propelling her to the finish line.

At 23:38:10.93, Zagdaa crossed the finish line, achieving a stunning 107.29 miles. She secured 2nd place overall and 1st place in her gender category, setting a personal best that will undoubtedly inspire others for years to come.

Gratitude and Triumph

Zagdaa’s achievement was not just a personal victory but a testament to the strength and support of the Nomadic Adventure Club. This journey was made possible by the collective efforts of everyone involved—from the runners who shared the course to the crew who worked tirelessly behind the scenes.

Thank you to everyone for your unwavering love and encouragement. Together, we’ve started 2025 with a powerful reminder of what’s possible when determination meets community.

Here’s to more miles, more memories, and more adventures.

Results Summary

24-Hour Race:

  • Zagdaa: 23:38:10.93, 107.29 miles, overall 2nd place, gender 1st place

  • Byamba: 23:38:46.95, 82.53 miles overall 9th place

12-Hour Race:

  • Dalai San: 11:54:37.38, 58.8 miles, gender 1st place

6-Hour Race:

  • Oyko: 5:55:48.59, 30.95 miles

  • Baigal: 5:53:55.21, 29.91 miles

  • Bolor: 5:54:44.36, 27.85 miles

  • Nomin: 5:58:17.64, 25.79 miles

  • Enka: 5:53:58.97, 24.76 miles

  • Zaya: 5:59:47.32, 24.76 miles

  • Huggi: 5:38:54.82, 20.63 miles

We Ran 50 Kilometer Around the City of San Francisco


Running Through the Gonzo Spirit: The Hunter S. Thompson Fear & Loathing 50Miler/50K

Every year, the Nomadic Adventure Club eagerly laces up their running shoes for one of the most unique and exhilarating events in the world of distance running: the Hunter S. Thompson Fear & Loathing 50Miler/50K in San Francisco. 🏃‍♂️🌉 This isn’t just a race — it’s an experience, a journey through the heart of the city, and a tribute to the wild, free spirit of the legendary Gonzo journalist himself, Hunter S. Thompson.

This year, the morning felt a little warmer than I remember from last year. Just before dawn, the city lights still sparkled against the fading night sky, while a subtle reddish glow began to stretch over the horizon. Bit by bit, San Francisco’s beauty revealed itself, as if waking up with us, setting the stage for the adventure ahead.

As the race began, we first tackled the loop around Twin Peaks. This loop at the start of the race rewarded us with a breathtaking 360-degree view of the city. The golden light of sunrise bathed the skyline, the bay, and the distant bridges, making it the perfect moment to pause and take in San Francisco at its finest. From there, we descended, leaving the heights behind and diving deep into the heart of the city, ready to embrace the miles, challenges, and urban wonders that lay ahead.

A Run Unlike Any Other

This race is a gritty urban adventure that takes runners through San Francisco’s vibrant neighborhoods and iconic landmarks. The challenge lies not only in the distance but in navigating an unmarked course using GPS or turn-by-turn sheets. From the Golden Gate Bridge to the rolling hills, from historic districts to foggy bay views, each mile offers a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and energy.

The course tests endurance, adaptability, and mental fortitude — qualities that resonate with the spirit of Gonzo journalism. For the Nomadic Adventure Club, it’s a chance to embrace chaos, push limits, and celebrate the adventure of running.

Nomadic Adventure Club Runners: Results and Highlights

This year, our club members showcased their resilience, determination, and camaraderie. Here are the incredible performances from our runners:

The Spirit of Gonzo

Inspired by Hunter S. Thompson’s fearless and chaotic spirit, this run is about more than just physical endurance. It challenges participants to embrace the unpredictable, stay adaptable, and find joy in the journey. The Nomadic Adventure Club’s runners embodied this spirit, pushing through fatigue, injury, and the mental challenges of navigating the course.

Gratitude for Organizers and Volunteers

This adventure wouldn’t be possible without the tireless efforts of the organizers and volunteers who make the event a success each year. Their dedication, enthusiasm, and hard work create an experience that runners cherish long after the race ends. We extend our deepest appreciation to everyone who contributes to making this event unforgettable.

Why We Keep Coming Back

For the Nomadic Adventure Club, the Fear & Loathing 50Miler/50K is more than a race — it’s a tradition, a challenge, and a celebration of the adventurous spirit that binds us together. The shared experience of pushing our limits, exploring the city, and supporting each other is what keeps us coming back year after year.

See you on the streets next year, and as always, run wild! 🏃‍♂️🌉

Course Map by STRAVA


Nomadic 5K Annual Run Summary

2024 Annual 5K Trail Running Top Performers

The 9th Annual 5K Trail Run hosted by the Nomadic Adventure Club was an exceptional day filled with community spirit, culture, and joy. With over 170 runners participating from Ultrasignup.com and walk-in registrations, this year’s event marked the largest turnout in the event's nine-year history. The use of bibs for the first time added a new layer of excitement, enhancing the professional feel of the race.

The event featured generous rewards, with REI sponsoring gift cards for the top three finishers in both the men's and women's divisions. The most distinguished prize was the first-ever Nomadic Ultra Ticket, awarded to first-place finisher Battogtokh Sukhee. This club-sponsored registration provides an entry to the Save Mt. Diablo 50K by Brazen Racing, offering Sukhee the opportunity to compete in a more challenging race.

The successful turnout, enhanced race-day elements, and new incentives made this year's trail run an inspiring and memorable experience for all involved.

The post-race festivities were vibrant, starting with a captivating performance by Mongolian dancers showcasing traditional dance. The highlight of the celebration was the hot stone barbecue of a whole lamb, known as "Khorkhog," a cherished Mongolian dish. This meal, accompanied by a variety of side dishes prepared by the talented Nomadic ladies, delighted all attendees. A special thanks goes to the Nomadic men for cooking two whole lambs, ensuring everyone was well-fed. The event provided an incredible spread of food, drinks, and snacks, all free for participants and guests.

The day continued with lively activities, including a volleyball tournament, where winners received REI gift cards. Music, traditional games, and cultural performances added to the day's vibrant atmosphere, making it a memorable experience for families, friends, and new runners alike.

The Nomadic Adventure Club extends its heartfelt gratitude to all participants, volunteers, and donors who made this event possible. We look forward to welcoming everyone back for future events, filled with more adventure, community, and celebration.

We welcome all of you to our 9th Annual 5K Trail Running.

Event Announcement: Trail Running Intro

Join us for an invigorating trail running event designed to promote a healthy lifestyle while fostering a sense of community. This exciting day is not just about running; it’s an opportunity to engage with family and friends in the great outdoors.

Event Details:

  • Date: November 9th

  • Location: Arbolado Park, Walnut Creek, CA

  • Registration: Opens at 10:00 AM

  • Run Start Time: 11:00 AM

  • Sign Up for Free

Participants of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to participate for the 5K

After the run, indulge in delicious Mongolian food, drinks, and snacks. Enjoy traditional dishes that are nourishing and flavorful, perfect for refueling after your run. It’s a great way to experience new cuisine while connecting with others in the community.

Bring your family and friends to share in the excitement! There will be activities for kids, making it a fun day for everyone. Sign up today, and let's run towards a healthier, happier future together!

"Walking is the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise"


A family doesn't need to be perfect, it just need to be united. Welcome to Nomadic family to become friends and explore the beautiful world together!

All photography provided by Nomadic Hiking Club


Nomadic Adventure Club 10th Anniversary Trail Run

 Welcome to the 10th anniversary of the Nomadic Adventure Club! We are celebrating this special occasion with a trail running/walking event at the beautiful Mt.Diablo on March 25, 2023, at 9 am. This event is a celebration of athleticism, and outdoor exploration and an event to encourage others to a healthy lifestyle through trail running and hiking.

Whether you are a seasoned trail runner or a beginner, this event is designed for you. Runners of all paces are absolutely welcome. Our trail running event will take runners on a scenic course through the mountain, showcasing the natural beauty of the area and providing a thrilling experience for participants.

The total distance of the trail will be 22.5K (14 miles). However, shorter routes are also available and welcome for those who aren't up for the whole distance.

In addition to the exhilarating run, participants will also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded outdoor enthusiasts, share stories, and make new friends. The event will feature a festive atmosphere with post-run drinks and snacks, an aid station at the summit, a super sweet raffle with goodies from Nomadic Adventure Club, and quality hangout time with the running community.

AWARDS: Male and Female winners: Salomon trail running shoes

RAFFLE: Nomadic Adventure Club goodies and Salomon running vest

Join us in celebrating a decade of adventure and exploration with this trail-running event at Mt. Diablo.

REGISTER: https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?eid=16240

We can't wait to see you there!


P.S. There is limited parking, so we encourage you to carpool, arrive early, and bring $6 (cash) to pay for parking.